Building Peace of Mind

Building Peace of Mind

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Gauged Masonry Ltd
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Gauged Masonry Ltd

As a family we've been involved in construction for well over 40 years, we specialise in carpentry, joinery and brickwork.

We have been involved with major refurbishment work and property development in and around London and Essex providing us with extensive knowledge in the building industry.

We're a family run business providing excellent services at competitive prices.

Strong, lasting client relationships based on trust and professionalism provide the foundation of our success. If you would like advice regarding your future project, please contact us and we will work hard to accommodate your needs.

Company Info

Years Trading
Areas Covered
London , Essex
Current Insurances
Public Liability - Employers Liability

Contact Information

Howes Farm Doddinghurst Road Brentwood Essex CM15 0SG

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